O.C.S. OFFICINE COSTRUZIONI SPECIALI S.p.A. founded in 1970 by the engineer Giancarlo Ravagnan, with more than 50 years of experience offers to its customers a complete service of Heavy-Duty Equipment for Energy, Water & Gas industries.
Since XXI century OCS has increased its competitiveness in engineering and manufacturing, specially in heavier and higher thickness Pressure Equipment fabrication: Reactors, Columns, Towers, Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers, Steam Drums, WHB, PGB, Desalters, Deaerators, Water Treatment Technologies and PSA.
OCS employs the latest computer technology combined with its many years of experience in high-quality pressure equipment, improving systems and equipment for the Oil & Gas Industry.
By the use of its technical competence and software, OCS can support its customers requirements with thermal and mechanical design, fabricating Pressure Equipment of high quality in minimum time.
Mechanical calculations in accordance to all available codes such as ASME, EN Standard, VSR/VSG (Italy), PD-5500 (U.K.), AD-2000 (Germany), CODAP (France), GB150 (China), Indian Boiler Regulation, TEMA, STOOMWEZEN (Netherlands), GOST (Russia), API Standard.
Local stress Analysis on Nozzles under external loads (WRC107, WRC297)
Fatigue Analysis on heat exchangers and pressure vessels under thermal and mechanical cyclic loads.